The "No Network is 100% Secure" series
- Network Security Audit -
- PC Tune-up -
Consulting Service

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Easyrider LAN Pro, NOC Design Consultants

Contact Us

Disclaimer: Our services are performed on a "best efforts" basis. We assume no liability for lost data, lost productivity or any losses directly or indirectly related to our work on your site. We STRONGLY advise our clients to back up any and all important data prior to our starting work at their facility. Easyrider LAN Pro accepts no liability or responsibility of any kind for any losses, monetary or otherwise, resulting from our engagement at any customer site. Easyrider LAN Pro makes no guarantees that all vulnerabilities will be discovered during our audit process and/or that all viruses, trojans, malware, spyware and so forth will be completely removed when we have completed our audit. We do not wish to appear wishy-washy or unwilling to accept responsibility for our work. However, the careful white paper reader is now aware that computing infrastructure vulnerabilities and malware can be insideously difficult to defend against. While we are dedicated to our craft, it is certainly possible that we could miss something and therefore need to divest ourselves of any legal liabilities for any mistakes or oversights that may be made.

PC Audit and tune-up service:

- Scan all PC disks for viruses, trojans, spyware and other malware
- Ensure that all ports are closed to Internet probing
- Verify that all PC networking connections are valid. Bot check
- Verify that Windows and all apps are patched to current levels
- Review IE browser settings for proper security
- Clean registry and clear out old temporary files
- Inspect hard drive(s) for errors and bad sectors. Fix if possible
- Test passwords for hardness (if desired)
- Install Firefox browser (if desired)
- Review firewall logs and settings
- Review event logs for indications of:
        o failing disk drives
        o network problems
        o other hardware issues.
- Defragment disk(s)
- Check PC air flow
- Review running services and discuss shutting off those that are not needed
- Review performance and reliability issues with PC user
        o Address as appropriate
- Discuss "safe computing" practices with user

Other consulting services
- Proxy server installation and configuration
- Enterprise security consultations
- Disaster recovery planning
- Disaster recovery services
- Capacity, migration and upgrade planning
- Build and deploy central syslog server
- Build trouble ticket systems
- Design and build monitoring environments
- Design and build Network Operations Centers (NOC)
- HP Openview, BMC Patrol consulting

PC audit and tune-up consulting rate:
- $75 per hour based on an 8 hour work day
- Travel and living expenses if applicable

Next in the security white paper series:

Firewall White Paper
Virus White Paper
Cloud Computing White Paper
Proxy Server White Paper
Personal Computer PC Security White Paper
Phishing White Paper
DNS Poisoning White Paper
Conficker White Paper
SPAM White Paper
Best Practices White Paper
Denial of Service DoS White Paper
Trojan Virus Attacks White Paper
Port Scanning White Paper
Monitoring Basics 101 White Paper
Monitoring Basics 102 White Paper
Monitoring Basics 103 White Paper
Virtual Machine Security White Paper
Aurora vulnerability White Paper
Shelfware White Paper

Last modified March 25, 2009
Copyright 1990-2009 Easyrider LAN Pro