How your Elected Officials voted on the helmet repeal bill

If your District's Reps are against mandatory helmet law repeal, tell them how you feel!!!

If your District's Reps won't disclose their mandatory helmet law repeal position, ask them about it!!!

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Elected officials who represent Oregon in Washington, DC

E-mail Senator Ron Wyden - D (503) 231-2300
View the Senator's homepage
Senator Wyden is fabulous!

E-mail Senator Gordon Smith - R (503) 326-3386
View the Senator's homepage

E-mail Representative Elizabeth Furse - D, District 1 (503) 227-4884
View Congresswoman Furse's homepage
Ms. Furse represents my District and I think that she is absolutely WONDERFUL!!!

E-mail Representative Robert Smith - R, District 2 (503) 776-4646

E-mail Representative Earl Blumenauer - D, District 3 (503) 231-2300
Earl isn't in my District, but I think he's wonderful too!

E-mail Representative Peter DeFazio - D, District 4 (541) 465-6732
Mr. DeFazio has been an active and consistent supporter of Motorcyclist's rights and is well thought of in the Biker community

E-mail Representative Darlene Hooley - D, District 5 (503) 588-9100

Governor John Kitzhaber

Governor's Citizen Representative Office at (503) 378-4582, 24 hours

Mail by writing to:

Governor John Kitzhaber
State Capitol Building
Salem, OR 97310

Governor Kitzhaber is not a supporter of Motorcyclist issues. He is also strongly anti-choice with regard to allowing those (other than himself) the freedom to choose which safety equipment they may and may not wear! Note a recent picture of Governor Kitzhaber in the 1997 State of Oregon phonebook, white water rafting with 2 companions. Governor Kitzhaber is the only one in the raft who is wearing no safety equipment whatsoever, including no helmet and no life jacket!! Which do you think is more dangerous?: going down the Rogue River in a rubber raft or operating a motorcycle on Oregon's roads?

"Mr. Independence", it seems, apparently feels that he is the only person in the State with sufficient intelligence to be able to choose what safety equipment is and is not needed. The Governor has pledged to veto any helmet law repeal bills put before him.

Governor Kitzhaber is *NOT* going to eagerly sign this bill into law. The best that we can hope for is that he doesn't veto it. A massive call-in/write-in campaign is going to be needed if we ever hope to get this measure through. Please make it a point to call and write to Governor Kitzhaber and tell him how you feel. Appealing to his orientation towards freedom of choice would probably be the most effective tact. Please call to his attention that like us, he enjoys Oregon's sports paradise. Remind him that he would probably resent a Government mandate that forced him to wear safety equipment that he felt was unneccessary while pursuing his favorite sport. Also, be sure to throw in the "helmets break necks" angle...most active Sportsmen like Governor Kitz can relate to not wanting to spend the rest of their life in a wheelchair thanks to a piece of so-called "safety equipment"! Thanks in advance for your support!

Elected officials who represent us in the State House of Representatives

Key Players

E-mail Representative Lynn Lundquist - R, District 59, Speaker of the House
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill!!!
View Representative Lundquist's homepage

E-mail Representative Lynn Snodgrass - R, District 10, House Majority Leader
Voted for the helmet law repeal 3/7/97 and 4/9/97
View Representative Snodgrass's homepage

E-mail Representative Bob Montgomery - R, District 56, Chair, House Transportation Committee
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill!!!!

E-mail Representative Mike Lehman - D, District 47, Vice-Chair, House Transportation Committee
Voted "don't pass" in committee. Voted against the helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97

E-mail Representative Tim Josi - D, District 2, Member, House Transportation Committee
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill

E-mail Representative Jane Lokan - R, District 25, Member, House Transportation Committee
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill

E-mail Representative Bill Markham, District 46, Speaker Pro Tempore, Member, House Transportation Committee
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill

E-mail Representative Lonnie Roberts - D, District 21
Member, House Transportation Committee, Sponsor of HR 2454
Representative Roberts has been a very strong supporter of Motorcyclist's rights. He strongly supports helmet law repeal and has been invaluable to our efforts to get this law repealed. Suffice it to say that without Representative Robert's help, experience and expertise, we probably would never have even gotten out of committee in the 1997 Legislative session! We are very grateful for all of his help. We need to keep men like this in the Legislature!!

E-mail Representative Larry Wells - R, District 30, Member, House Transportation Committee
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill

E-mail Representative Ken Strobeck - R, District 6, House Majority Whip
Voted against the helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97; Position confirmed by the Representative 4/8/97 "At this time I don't support repealing the mandatory helmet law."

E-mail Representative Peter Courtney - D, District 33, House Democratic Leader
Voted against the helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97

E-mail Representative George Eighmey - D, District 14, Democratic Whip
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill

E-mail Representative Jo Ann Bowman - D, District 19, Minority Whip
Voted against the helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97; Representative Bowman's 4/8/97 position statement: "I believe that I have made my opposition to repeal of the helmet law quite clear. While you and others who support this bill have information indicating that helmets do not save lives, other information that I have clearly demonstrates that helmets do save lives. Furthermore, recent studies validate this perspective and state that most damage done due to lack of helmets happens to adult operators of motorcycles. Sincerely, Jo Ann Bowman"

E-mail Representative Tony Corcoran - D, District 44, Ass't Democratic Leader
Voted against the helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97

E-mail Representative Bryan Johnston - D, District 31, Ass't Democratic Leader
Voted for the helmet law repeal 3/7/97. Voted against the repeal 4/9/97 and 6/28/97

Oregon House Members

E-mail Representative Ron Adams - R, District 27
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill

E-mail Representative Chris Beck - D, District 12
View Representative Beck's homepage
Voted against the helmet law repeal 3/7/97 and 4/9/97
Representative Beck is a classic Democrat. He loves spending money and hasn't any problem raising taxes higher and higher to do so. This is the kind of Politician that Oregon can do without!

E-mail Representative Lee Beyer - D, District 42
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill
View Representative Beyer's homepage

E-mail Representative Roger Beyer - R, District 28
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill; Absent for 4/8/97 vote! Voted for repeal 4/9/97

E-mail Representative Tom Brian - R, District 9
Voted against the helmet law repeal 3/7/97 and 6/28/97.

E-mail Representative Chuck Carpenter - R, District 7
Mr. Carpenter represents my District and Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill. Representative Carpenter is solidly behind Motorcyclist's rights.
Rep. Carpenter is a man of integrity, courage and vision. We feel very fortunate to have a man like this representing our District in the Legislature!

E-mail Representative Margaret Carter - D, District 18
Absent for 3/7/97 repeal vote; Voted against helmet law repeal on 4/8/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97

E-mail Representative Ryan Deckert - D, District 8
Voted against the helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97; Confirmation by the Representative: "The information which is posted regarding Representative Ryan Deckert's vote against HB 2454, is correct. The Representative will vote against the amended version of the bill if it reaches the House Floor again.

E-mail Representative Richard Devlin - D, District 24
Voted against helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97

E-mail Representative Randall Edwards - D, District 15
Voted against the helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97

E-mail Representative Mike Fahey - D, District 17
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill

E-mail Representative Dan Gardner - D, District 13
Voted against the helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97
View Representative Gardner's homepage

E-mail Representative Steve Harper - R, District 53
Strongly against the helmet law repeal. Voted against the repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97

E-mail Representative Jim Hill - R, District 5
Strongly against the helmet law repeal. Voted against repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97

E-mail Representative Bob Jenson - D, District 57
Voted against the helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97

E-mail Representative Eldon Johnson - R, District 51
Strongly against the helmet law repeal. Voted against the repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97

E-mail Representative Denny Jones - R, District 60
Absent from 3/7/97 repeal vote. Voted for repeal 4/9/97

E-mail Representative Jeff Kruse - R, District 45
Voted for the helmet law repeal 3/7/97 and 4/9/97

E-mail Representative Leslie Lewis - R, District 29
Voted for the helmet law repeal 3/7/97 and 4/9/97

E-mail Representative Dennis Luke - R, District 54
Strongly against the helmet law repeal. Voted against repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97

E-mail Representative Ken Messerle - R, District 48
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill

E-mail Representative Patti Milne - R, District 38
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill

E-mail Representative John Minnis - R, District 20
Strongly opposes Motorcyclist's rights, Voted against the helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97; Cast the sole no vote against 2453! Consistently votes against pro Motorcyclist's bills. Rep. Minnis is our biggest detractor in the House. Rep. Minnis is the stereotypical bully-boy Cop. We need to get rid of Politicians like this! I'm sure that Oregon would do better with someone new representing District 20. If you live in his District, please help by working hard for whoever opposes Rep. Minnis during re-election.

E-mail Representative Carolyn Oakley - R, District 36
Absent for 3/7/97 repeal vote. Voted for the repeal 4/9/97.

E-mail Representative Kitty piercy - D, District 39
Representative Piercy stated to me that she would not support a mandatory helmet repeal. Voted against repeal 4/9/97 and 6/28/97
View Representative Piercy's homepage

E-mail Representative Floyd Prozanski - D, District 40
Said that he voted for repeal last time. Absent for 3/7/97 vote. Voted against repeal on 4/8/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97.

E-mail Representative Anitra Rasmussen - D, District 11
Voted against the helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97

E-mail Representative Bob Repine - R, District 49
Voted against helmet law repeal 3/7/97. Voted for repeal 4/9/97!!!! Thank you!!

E-mail Representative Barbara Ross - D, District 21
Congresswoman Ross voted against the helmet repeal on 3/7/97 but agreed to carefully consider the new version. Her 4/7/97 response to our questionaire was: "Tally me as a don't support--I will vote against repealing the mandaotry [sic] helmet law". Voted against the repeal 4/9/97 and 6/28/97.

E-mail Representative Kurt Schrader - D, District 23
Voted for the helmet law repeal 3/7/97 and 4/9/97

E-mail Representative Lane Shetterly - R, District 34
Strongly against the helmet law repeal. Voted against repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97.

E-mail Representative Frank Shields - D, District 16
Voted against the helmet law repeal 3/7/97; Absent for 4/8/97 vote. Voted against repeal 4/9/97 and 6/28/97.

E-mail Representative Mark Simmons - R, District 58
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill

E-mail Representative Larry Sowa - D, District 26
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill. Rep. Sowa is a strong supporter of Motorcyclis's rights. He has been very helpful to us by speaking to anti-motorcyle Democrat Party Members on our behalf. This is one of the good guys!!!
View Representative Sowa's homepage

E-mail Representative Charles Starr - R, District 3
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill

E-mail Representative Ron Sunseri - R, District 22
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill

E-mail Representative Jackie Taylor - D, District 1
Voted against the helmet law repeal 3/7/97, 4/9/97 and 6/28/97

E-mail Representative Terry Thompson - D, District 4
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill

E-mail Representative Judy Uherbelau - D, District 52
A delightful person, probably Pro-Biker but very strongly against the helmet law repeal. The Representative told me, "As a former ER nurse, I could never in good conscience vote to repeal. It is a public health issue to me, not a freedom issue (none of us have absolute freedom). Voted against repeal 4/9/97 and 6/28/97.

E-mail Representative Liz VanLeeuwen - R, District 37
Representative VanLeeuwen has been a long time supporter of Motorcyclists's issues. Unfortunately, Rep. VanLeeuwen will hit the term limit at the end of this session. Perhaps she will run for Senator Yih's seat..
Voted for the helmet law repeal 3/7/97 and 4/9/97

E-mail Representative John Watt - R, District 50
Voted for the helmet law repeal 3/7/97 and 4/9/97

E-mail Representative Jim Welsh - R, District 43
Strong and very active supporter of Motorcyclist's rights; Gave a pro helmet law repeal speech this session; Oregon Motorcyclists couldn't ask for a better friend in the Legislature!

E-mail Representative Ben Westlund - R, District 55
Voted for the helmet law repeal 3/7/97 and 4/9/97

E-mail Representative Tom Whelan - D, District 32
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill; Absent from 4/8/97 vote! Voted for repeal 4/9/97

E-mail Representative Cynthia Wooten - D, District 41
Congresswoman Wooten stated to me that she would not support a helmet law repeal. Confirmation from the Representative, "I don't support the repealing of mandatory helmet law although I did vote against the law last session I have since reconsidered and I will not consider any further change of my position regarding this issue." Voted against repeal 4/9/97 and 6/28/97

Elected officials who represent Oregonians in the State Senate

Key Players

E-mail Senator Brady Adams - R, District 25, President of the Senate, 986-1600
Senator Adams declined to give his position on helmet law repeal. Senator Adams wrote, "It's difficult to be an expert in every area, and I will keep your comments in mind when I place my vote."
President Adams voted for the helmet repeal.

E-mail Senator Gene Derfler - R, District 16, Majority Leader, 986-1950
Senator Derfler declined to disclose his position on this issue. He wrote, "Your letter has been placed in the file related to this issue and will be with me when the issue comes up for a vote on the Senate Floor".
Senator Derfler voted against helmet law repeal (*TWICE*).

E-mail Senator Cliff Trow - D, District 18, Democratic Leader, 986-1700
Senator Trowe declined to respond to any of the several letters that I wrote to him.
Senator Trowe voted against helmet law repeal (*TWICE*).

E-mail Senator Ken Baker - R, District 14, Ass't Majority Leader, Vice-Chair, Senate Transportation Committee, 986-1714
According to BikePAC, Senator Baker does not support helmet law repeal. The Senator has declined to answer any of my letters. Senator Baker is the one who was responsible for having a PIP amendment added onto HB2454!
Even after adding a PIP amendment to HB2454, Senator Baker voted against helmet law repeal (*TWICE*) anyway!!!
Senator Baker is one of the key Law Makers behind Measure 50, the bill that presumes to ignore last year's voter tax cut initiative, Measure 47. Measure 50 is a slap in the face to every Home Owner in Oregon. We need to get rid of Politicians like this! I'll be posting information about Senator Baker's opponent come next election to see if Oregon would do better with someone new representing District 14.

E-mail Senator Kate Brown - D, District 7, Ass't Democratic Leader, 986-1707
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill.
Senator Brown voted for helmet law repeal.

E-mail Senator Neil Bryant - R, District 27, Ass't Majority Leader, 986-1727
Senator Bryant did not respond to any of my letters.
Senator Bryant voted against helmet law repeal (*TWICE*).

E-mail Senator Ginny Burdick - D, District 6, Minority Whip, 986-1706
Senator Burdick does not support mandatory helmet law repeal. She wrote, "I support the current law. Thanks for your lengthy and detailed message".
Senator Burdick voted against helmet law repeal (*TWICE*).

E-mail Senator Marylin Shannon, Chair, Senate Transportation Committee, 986-1715
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill. Senator Shannon has been super supportive of Motorcyclist's issues! Ms. Shannon is our hero!!! As 1997's MVP, She gets our highest rating; A+++! Thank you Senator!!
Senator Shannon voted for helmet law repeal.

E-mail Senator Joan Dukes - D, District 1, Member, Senate Transportation Committee, 986-1701
Senator Dukes has declined to answer any of my letters. According to BikePAC, Senator Dukes is generally very supportive of Motorcyclist issues but does not support mandatory helmet law repeal.
Senator Dukes was absent for the vote on HB2454. Thank you Senator Dukes!! Voted against us on 6/30/97

E-mail Senator Gary George - R, District 2, Member, Senate Transportation Committee, 986-1702
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill. Senator George is a strong supporter of Motorcyclist's rights and has been very helpful with the mandatory helmet law repeal efforts. Senator George carried the bill for the Senate and gave a powerful speech in our favor. He looks great in leathers too :)
Please be sure to thank Senator George for his support!

E-mail Senator Mea Yih, Member, Senate Transportation Committee, 986-1719
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill. Late in the 1997 session, Senator Yih changed her position on helmet law repeal and almost tied our bill up in committee. BikePAC and most ABATE Members feel betrayed by our once supportive Senator.
Senator Yih voted against helmet law repeal.

Oregon Senate Members

E-mail Senator Susan Castillo - D, District 20, 986-1720
Senator Castillo has not responded to any of my letters.
Senator Castillo voted against helmet law repeal (*TWICE*).

E-mail Senator Vern Duncan - R, District 12, 986-1712
Senator Duncan has not responded to any of my letters.
Senator Duncan voted for the helmet law repeal.

E-mail Senator Bill Dwyer - D, District 21, 986-1721
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill
Senator Dwyer voted against the Team Oregon rider training bill!
Senator Dwyer made an eloquent speech on our behalf before the HB2454 vote
Senator Dwyer voted for the helmet law repeal.

E-mail Senator Ted Ferrioli - R, District 28, 986-1728
Senator Ferrioli does not support helmet law repeal. As a result of extended E-mail correspondence, I am sure that the Senator's sole motivation here is to do the right thing. Unfortunately, the Senator seems to be one of those "Jay Leno" Motorcycle Riders who actually believe that helmets do some good. The Senator wrote, "Unfortunately, I have not been convinced repeal of the helmet law is the best public policy for Oregon." The Senator later said,"Your arguments about personal freedom and responsibility sound fine. Unfortunately - - the public record of exercise of responsibility is a bit weak. Would adults who want the right to ride helmetless agree to sign insurance waivers for long-term disability caused by head injuries sustained in motorcycle accidents? Would they pay more in premiums than riders who agree always to wear helmets? Thanks for the dialog!".
Senator Ferrioli voted for the helmet law repeal. Thanks!!!!

E-mail Senator Bill Fisher - R, District 23, 986-1723
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill.
Senator Fisher spoke for HB2454 on the Senate floor and voted for the helmet law repeal.

E-mail Senator Avel Gordly - D, District 10, 986-1710
Senator Gordly is strongly against Motorcyclists rights issues! Senator Gordly has not answered any of my letters. Just before the Senate vote, Senator Gordly printed copies of the 3/9/97 Oregonian editorial and passed them out to all of the other Senators.
Senator Gordly voted against helmet law repeal (*TWICE*).

E-mail Senator Jeanette Hamby - R, District 5, 986-1705
Senator Hamby does not support helmet law repeal. She wrote, "Sorry, I am unable to support the bill unless it carries a mandate for any helmetless rider to carry a long-term care insurance policy."
Due to Senator's lengthy testimony before the Senate Transportation Committee, a PIP amendment was added to the bill!
Even after lobbying to have PIP added to HB2454, Senator Hamby nevertheless voted against helmet law repeal (*TWICE*)!!

E-mail Senator Lenn Hannon - R, District 26, 986-1726
BikePAC reports that Senator Hannon favors helmet law repeal.
Senator Hannon voted for the helmet law repeal.

E-mail Senator Tom Hartung - R, District 3, 986-1703
Mr. Hartung represents my District. Astonishingly, Senator Hartung has not answered any of my letters even though I made a number of personal visits to his office (where he was conveniently "not available")! I have been told that the Senator is not very "accessable". Based on my experience, I believe it.
Senator Hartung voted against helmet law repeal (*TWICE*). I guess I will be crossing party lines and working for Senator Hartung's Democratic Opponent come re-election time.

E-mail Senator Bob Kintigh - R, District 22, 986-1722
BikePAC reports that Senator Kintigh favors helmet law repeal.
Senator Kintigh voted for the helmet law repeal.

E-mail Senator Randy Leonard - D, District 9, 986-1709
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill
Senator Leonard voted against helmet law repeal!!

E-mail Senator John Lim - R, District 11, 986-1711
View Senator Lim's homepage
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill. Senator Lim gave a powerful speech about American freedoms on the Senate floor on our behalf. Senator Lim voted for the helmet law repeal.

E-mail Senator Randy Miller - R, District 13, 986-1713
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill.
Senator Miller voted against the Team Oregon Rider training bill!
Senator Miller gave a compelling speech on our behalf before the HB2454 vote
Senator Miller voted for the helmet law repeal.

E-mail Senator David Nelson - R, District 29, 986-1729
Senator Nelson has not responded to any of my letters.
Senator Nelson voted agains helmet law repeal (*TWICE*).

E-mail Senator Eileen Qutub - R, District 4, 986-1704
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill
Senator Qutub voted for the helmet law repeal.

E-mail Senator Shirley Stull - R, District 17, 986-1717
Senator Stull reportedly favors mandatory helmet law repeal.
Senator Stull voted against helmet law repeal.

E-mail Senator Veral Tarno - R, District 24, 986-1724
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill
Senator Tarno voted for the helmet law repeal.

E-mail Senator Eugene Timms - R, District 30, 986-1730
Senator Timms has declined to answer any of my letters.
Senator Timms voted for the helmet law repeal.

E-mail Senator Thomas Wilde - D, District 8, 986-1708
Co-Sponsored the 1997 helmet repeal bill.
Senator Wilde voted for the helmet law repeal.

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Last modified on June 18, 1997
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