Helmet Law Repeal status

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Legislation alert!!!

For the 1999 legislative session, we submitted 3 bills.   Here is a synopsis of the intent.  Click on the bill number to use the legislative gopher to review the bill history. 

Helmet Law Reform (Part II) - HB3632 - Since Governor Kitzhaber decided to abuse his Executive branch power by forcing the Democrats to kill our bill in committee, we flexed a little political muscle ourselves and got us a brand new helmet amendment bill introduced!  This bill will probably go through the House Water and Environment Committee where we have solid majority support.   We also have 32 confirmed yes votes in the House.  Our helmet amendment bill will go to the Governor's desk whether he likes it or not.  And Vicki Walker, Peter Courtney and a few others who publicly disrespected us are going to find out what it's like to run a political campaign when Bikers are working for their Opponent.


Helmet Law Reform - SB583 - Our bill will seek to allow motorcycle operators and passengers 21 and older the choice of whether to wear a helmet. 


House version of Helmet Law Reform - HB2694

    STATUS:     Assigned to Transportation.  Hearing will be held at our request.

Handlebar Height - HB2613 - We will seek to eliminate all regulation of handlebar height on motorcycles.  This is the "new" harassment tool of choice for police agencies


Health Insurance Protection - HB3074 - Motorcyclists have lobbied for and won protection against discrimination in health care at the federal level (TEA-21).  This bill would place specific language in Oregon law to back that up.  Assigned to the House Business and Consumer Affairs Committee.

Finding Stuff

Click HERE to do your own gopher search.   You may also use THIS search engine to look at specific bills.  Click HERE to view the history for all 1999 Senate bills.  Click HERE to view the history for all 1999 House bills. Click HERE for House and Senate Committee hearing schedules.  Click HERE for Senate third reading notices.  Click HERE for House third reading notices.

Click to have a look at the US Constitution.  I include it here because I don't think you'll see anything in it that promotes the desirability of Government making personal safety choices for it's citizens....or anything that takes away a citizen's God given right to make these decisions for him/herself.  Click HERE to look at the Oregon State Constitution.  You won't see anything about Government interference in personal choice liberties here either.

Click HERE to see how your elected officials voted.

* * * Disclaimer * * *

Please note that this is a *PERSONAL* home page. While it is true that I belong to several Motorcyclist Rights Organizations, nothing written in these pages has been authorized or sponsored by those or any other groups or organizations. The comments written here express my opinions and not the opinions of any other person or organization.

There is something fundamentally un-American about people who have never even been on a motorcycle having the authority to dictate to experienced Riders what they must do to be safe. 

Nothing scares me more than someone who knows, with certainty, what is right for me.


WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Click here to see important quotes from our Forefathers
WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Click here for details about our 1997 efforts to dump the helmet law.
WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Click here to see why no Republican should ever vote for mandatory helmet laws!
WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Click here for the arguments that helmet law proponents subscribe to
WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Click here for helmet law repeal facts and information
WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Click here for an Easyrider editorial regarding mandatory helmet laws
WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Click here for a 1997 Oregonian editorial regarding mandatory helmet law repeal
WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Click here for an Easyrider rebuttal to the above Oregonian editorial
WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) What does the PIP and similar amendments mean?
WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Click here for an Easyrider interview regarding mandatory helmet laws
WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Do motorcycle helmets cause accidents? Click here to find out for yourself
WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) The "helmets save lives hoax"
WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) The "Unhelmeted Bikers are a "social burden" scam
WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Debunking Government "facts". Click here to see for yourself
WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) A DoD test report shows just how useless motorcycle helmets are!
WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Are Motorcyclists really as stupid as Government Bureaucrats think they are?
WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) Click here for Oregon Law Maker contact info and voting records
WB01372_.gif (406 bytes) An Oregon Legislator's response to our intention to oust our Enemies from office

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Click here to participate in the discussion about freedom in America 

Need more Info????

For info about joining BikePAC of Oregon contact: Easyrider, Executive Director of BikePAC

For info about joining ABATE of Oregon E-mail abate@qcsn.com

ABATE sponsored status updates are available on their Legislative Hotline, at 972-3434
Out of Portland area, 1-888-UR1-bike

Last modified August 29, 1999
Copyright © 1994-1999 Easyrider LAN Pro

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